March 3rd, 2022 - Question Period - Parks Canada Real Estate Assets

Parks Canada Real Estate Assets

Hon. Rose-May Poirier: Honourable senators, my question concerns the conditions of Parks Canada real estate assets including buildings, forts and bridges. An answer received this morning to a written question on the Order Paper states:

Based on 2021 asset data, 26 per cent of Parks Canada’s assets are in good condition; 43 per cent are in fair condition, and 31 per cent are in poor or very poor condition.

As of September 2018, a report found that the cost to fix accessibility issues for disabled visitors was about $428 million. The answer received today disputed this figure but also admitted that Parks Canada doesn’t track its investments that support accessibility.

Minister, do you have a plan to repair Parks Canada real estate assets and to improve accessibility for all visitors?

Hon. Steven Guilbeault, P.C., M.P., Minister of Environment and Climate Change: Thank you, senator. These are excellent questions. In fact, we are very seized with the situation of Parks Canada’s infrastructure. We are working with the Department of Finance to chart a path forward to address these issues as well as the issue of accessibility, which is a very important issue for me and my government as well.


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